Awake, Much?
One thing we’ve all heard, a lot in the past five to ten years, is “Wake Up!” Right? And this was, and is, an important step – for all those who haven’t. And for those who haven’t, you’re known as “Still Asleep.” But those who think they are awake, NEWS FLASH! Chances are you too, are not fully awake. Let’s just review.
First, everyone has their own story of how they awoke. For me, it was circa 2002; my discovering the U.S. Notes ($5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 bills), when folded similarly to a paper airplane showed the collapse of the twin towers, or at least five phases of the collapse. What? No way. On those bills (debt notes) released between 1996 and 2001, when folded properly, they do show the collapsing buildings, right down to the smoke in the aftermath. So what? Well, it certainly raised a couple of questions:
- Exactly How do bills printed one to five years prior to an evil event like the Twin Towers attack on 9-11-2001 exist at all, IF is wasn’t a planned attack?
- Who prints the U.S. Debt Notes for the United States?
- Who authorizes and approves the design(s) of the Debt Notes?
- When something that happens is predicted, does it mean it was premeditated?
This is where I was was first intrigued with the idea that something just wasn’t right. And it’s interesting, when shared this with those still asleep, even seeing where the folded notes show the buildings collapse, they refuse to believe the two are connected. Cognitive dissonance won’t allow them to accept, not just that there’s government involvement, but no one other than those blamed, could possibly carry out such a heinous act.
Bringing this us here and there to judge the room, no one ever seemed interested enough to stop and separate themselves from their selfish lives to even have an actual discussion about it. There’s another memory for you – “being too busy to have serious discussions about the welfare of others.” Looking back, it’s pretty easy to see.
Let’s stop for a minute and think back. When was the last time you remember thinking about all the division cast onto us? It’s pretty difficult for anyone under sixty to even imagine. Ever since you were born, there’s been some form of aspersion cast from one group to another: Integration of races where it always seemed someone always had a negative talking point related to it; then Women’s Liberation, oh boy. Someone drops a few small gripes and the ego’s took it from there. For the women over seventy, I bet you remember wearing your first pants suit don’t you? Do you understand what buying into these two narratives has done for you, your lives, and your families? It has made peace between those involved, impossible!
- Integration, rather the fight to prevent it, destroyed the relationships between every white and black who bought into the lies.
- Women’s Liberation destroyed every family for every man and woman who bought into the lies.
- Then, it progressed to war between men and women; and, everything became a competition and every relationship between a man and woman who bought into the narrative, well it was destroyed.
- But that wasn’t enough. Next, it was about genders, now transgenders; and there’s more to that in another story to come.
Regardless, the point of division, if you bought into the narrative, you have ruined relationships in your life. That is a hard truth for us all, but it is the truth. And the point here? There are millions that think they are awake, and remain clueless. Here’s to hoping you stop and think about things before you find how displeasing the taste of crow can be.