Militias – Not What You Thought!
Militia is a word that originated centuries ago, and it’s one of the words that has been discretely painted to cast an unfavorable view in the public’s eye. Why would anyone alter its meaning? Well, they altered the meaning to instill fear in the public. In other words, if the public is convinced becoming involved with a “militia,” it will likely get them arrested or put on some de facto government “watch list,” they will most likely steer clear of them; and, if they do involve themselves in a militia after knowing a militia is considered hostile or radical and authorities view militia’s as bad, up to no good, and the like, then they are among the defiant, easily triggered population. Either way, the people are scared or trappable or both.
Militia actually means people, as in a collective of, and contrary to majority thinking, its focus is first and foremost – peacekeeping. So, let your heart rest and relax a bit and look into your state’s militia (set up through your state’s unincorporated government). The militia is tasked with similar tasks that we commonly know as “first responders,” educating the public about the American common law, peacekeeping, and lastly, as a line of defense.
If we break it down, the militia is an organized body of state nationals who’s focus is to come to the aid of all people living on the state. Regardless of threat, it is the militia’s purpose to protect the people and their assets; ironically, this is the same purpose of government. Translated, a militia consists of people helping to protect themselves, in an organized fashion.
Now, think back to the history classes in the 1950s, 60s and into the 70s before all references to American History was replaced with U. S. History. We learned “We the People” were our own government, and in charge, a self-governing body. By the late 70s, most all references to American History had been erased from history books. Incidentally, if there was any doubt, “American History” and “U. S. History” are not one and the same; in fact, we now recognize this was an intentional substitution implemented within our system of education to teach us an alternate history designed to deceive us all. This was part of a strategy, 1) to deceive future generations and 2) to keep us divided over our real history in order to pull off the greatest collective set of frauds in the world’s history.
A militia might be best explained as a wall between good and evil, where “good” = those people we protect, and “bad” = those threats we protect people from. This is a fundamental explanation of what a militia is, in its simplest form.
The foundation for each militia is based on our creator, honor and American common law. Combined with an accurate knowledge of history, we can clearly distinguish right from wrong and we can avoid repeating past mistakes. We then process what we see, hear and read to determine if our forward path is clear of threats or if a new threat exist on the horizon. Once identified, a threat can be discussed and reviewed more thoroughly to evaluate its level of danger, options to resolve or eliminate the threat. and then determine the best path forward. The action includes those steps taken, whether addressing something regional, such as a natural disaster, or a more localized concern like an automobile accident or house fire. Regardless, the militia is there to promote both protection, peacekeeping and education. The key to a great militia is its readiness, which comes with time invested, detailed practice and repetition.
All said, open up your minds. Know the militia isn’t an evil or killing; it’s for education, peacekeeping and early response and each state national is a member, so step up.