The Election Frenzy
Are people really still really focused on the corporate elections at this point? The advertising frenzy suggest so, but after the past decade plus, especially the last eight years, it’s terribly difficult to believe there are still people who haven’t figured certain things out by now. If for some reason you are still supporting the corporate elections, you might consider getting your copy of this book. It is certain to open your eyes.
FACT! – Every elected president of the United States of America, Inc., starting with Abraham Lincoln, has been the president of a private, for-profit, foreign corporation managed by foreign hands.
FACT! – And these presidents, and their administrations, were all charged with the responsibilities of acting as the unincorporated American government, dba The United States of America.
FACT! – Americans, just weeks after births, have all been unlawfully registered as U. S. Citizens in order to denigrate our social rank and standing, so we stand below those we’ve perceived as “royalty,” when royalty is nothing more than a sovereignty.
FACT! – People born on the land and soil, in a recognized union state, are born as free, living men or women, as sovereign Americans, and as creditors!
FACT! – We have been programmed to recognize the U. S. Citizen as the top ranking status available for us; this is a lie!
Books to read:
“You Know Something is WRONG When… An American Affidavit of Probable Cause”
“Disclosure 101 – What You Need To Know”
“Meet Your Strawman: And Whatever You Want To Know”